FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11throw a pork chop at it. But the fern ate the chop and then chased after my pet piebald rat, Razvan. I searched paradise high and low for my little ratty friend but my cries echoe
14"Unfortunately, we also know what it smells like," agreed Regina, and she flounced out the door, flipping the hair on both of her heads in a saucy manner no man can resist. Herman
11Less luck than his swanky brother, Pster, and remainied unemployed forlornly roaming the streets with his metal detector in hand. Suddenly, an otherworldly ping alerted Peter
15She would often talk to and cry on the shoulders of her cardboard friends, and she would tell them how her papier mache boyfriend didn't show any emotional response
11clone of yourself right within the comfort of your own home!" The advertisement had done its work. Carl had always wanted to try 3D printing but never had the time or money. Now