FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11Lord, I tried to be good. I prayed real hard. But Debbie McRoberts right shoulder slipped out of her frock on the dance floor and I felt the urge to fornicate override my decency.
21-erine popsicles. 14. Try to remember that thing I forgot. 15. Make a list of everyone on the Hollywood blacklist. 16. Make a list of all the playlists of the first generation
11array of neon colored Care Bears. "Don't worry Mister Cuddles. Everything is going to be just fine."
10& snorted haughtily, "Ya didn't think Kermit was my first amphibian, did ya? Moi have had numerous hops in the swamp, if you get my drift." I smiled at the mega-sow & thanked my
12on the escalator. Catching her heel, she tumbled down infinitely. Legend has it, if you go to the mall, you can still see her this very day.