FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11Okay I got it. Street Sweeper Wars, Street Sweeper's Wives, Are You Smarter than a Street Sweeper? Celebrity Street Sweeper, So You Think You Can Street Sweep? Street Sweeper COPS!
10I'm ungrateful." Scrooge leaned in close. "You know, my relatives stuff birds like you." The Turkey Carcass of Thanksgiving Past trembled, dripping juices. "Those BASTARDS! Let's
10We decided to hide the explosives in our hair. Ronna has an 80s style perm and Dick has a rainbow mohawk, so it won't be conspicuous at all. My job was to disable the cameras.
11i will have to find wife #13, a demonic behemoth who will ultimately bring an end to the cycle by consuming the blood in my body up tothe last drip.Only then will my wifes be free.
15Luckily he had a long and effective tongue (or so he had been told) and in a jiffy he was all spic and span and ready for the world. The bathing prohibition had been instituted