FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10people need to stay the hell away! The FS frathouse is the partyingest at U and we don't need no stinking, pretentious, educated jerks messing up our reputation." My rant complete,
11sweetly whisper government secrets. From behind cold, dead eyes I heard of alien abductions, and spies shot in exotic locations. Elmo was my ticket to someplace else, someplace w
16Never fold hungry or you will buy stuff you don't need. 13.Do drink and fold.Better than to drink and drive but not necessarily safer. 14.keep up with the plot...or not.Who cares?
10Cliff Huxtable had gotten a card game together with Norm & Woody. Only Norm's cell phone kept ringing because Rachel wanted him to bring home some face cream. I ate the last donut.
10"Dead or alive?" "Paper or plastic?" "Are you living in that sedan or just going on a really long trip?" "As a frequent folder, are you keen on happy endings?"