FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
13What could it be? The recipe's reader drooled with anticipation. A new kind of coating for pretzels? Would it be practical, though? He read on: Bake at 10,000 degrees Rankine
10story about a guy's first day working at a quick lube shop at the Mos Eisley spaceport. His train or never comes back from lunch and he then finds out his arm got cut off at
10stood in consternation at seeing so many attendees at the Orange Parkas and Sunglasses Jamboree. By then the cops were showing up. The bank cop pointed them to the park festival.
10Do not - I repeat - do NOT like SlimWhitman's folds. Foldingstory cosmos is a real multiverse. The 'stories' actually take place there. However we have discovered that by liking
10. Since the creature was beyond comprehension, Number One did a perfectly human thing: he pretended it wasn't there,enraging the morphed orb creature. So it became a dapper young