FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10It's a true and universally known fact that cats like to lick the inside of shoes. This pleases them and brings good luck to the owner. Once the shoe full of cat spit is put on
10someone shouts "Cha-Ching!" That's because I am a goof, a ne'er-do-well, a spicoli, a ham baster, a imp limpet, a burrito mute, a flaming sphincter, a fart whomp, a chest of
10So let us now, with a kiss and a twerk / Get down to our most cellular work / Overpopulation is a bore / But what the heck, let's make one more.
10rich enough to afford three lifetimes of opium and heroin, and frankly the premise had been milked when Sherlock was still in books. The Mouse Detective revived it briefly, but TV
10CLASSIFIED: When SlimWhitman reaches 10,000 points in FoldingStory, this website will self-destruct within 30 seconds.