FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11I'm that guy, the one who talks at the movie theatre. Shushes sustain me. Bad dialogue gives me purpose. During "Spider-Man," I added a well-placed "yeah right" to the part when
12Low budget lightning attack that couldn't even kill a man covered in circuitry. Truly, the Power of the Dark Side suffered at the hands of budget cuts. The Emperor did not dispair
10avoid the grabber's clutches. So when the Circus came to town, the children all ran out of their houses to their parents' dismay, and they had no idea the grabber
10George didn't bring the Christmas Goose to dinner again. Last year, everyone got sick from eating it. This year, George had a Christmas Horse. Aunt Phoebe was flabbergasted. She
11duvet cave and nested there. "Oi, behave," I said. "That's the sort of business that led to our mewling brood of mammelings." Just then my mother burst in with the Ministry of Mamm