FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11day dreamed about leaving this thankess position and soaring over the mountain. He imagined saying goodbye to the door so long to the coat rack. He woke to the sound of the bell.
11Once stirred can never be shaken. It creates a bond. Thames Bond Guaranty, Limtd, was the firm of record." Nobody ever quoted Douche correctly. They just wanted to say they did.
36his air valve was covered in lipstick. At last she rose and left her beloved inner tube to lie peacefully. And she promised herself she would never tire again.
10My Little Pony across the yard. The neighborhood meat pies stood there feeling uncomfortable. "You don't want pies to play 'cuz you're just a snooty patooty!" her sister yelled.
10/but heart beating drums drive us to profess/ the love I've come to confesss/ it is no illusion or figment of imagination/ it is just a script for humanity's perpetuation.