FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11Stepping into his apartment, Steve noticed for the first time that there was a grey squirrel sitting on his sofa, right where he swore the night before he had left his prized
10Deutsche Marks. What the entrants failed to realize is that the Mark is a defunct currency and not even accepted as an exchangeable currency. They all got gypped. The end.
11and told him to leave because he was upsetting the nuns across the street, he covered his nudeness with his bowl and ran down the street. A nun followed him with her cell phone,
12n't really nasty, she just left me because I was so grumpy about Nasty Wives #1 and 2. Wife #3 was kind and understanding, but smelled a bit off since I never paid the water bills.
12ate cards that Darth had saved up from upgrading the Emperor's IT system were all used up and the Empire's credit rating plummeted to one star. Darth took off his helmet and said