FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10“Why, you stuck up, half-witted, scruffy-looking Nerf herder!” The teach heard the insult, the young girl was a creative insulter. The boy in the vest did play with Nerf items so
10caramel. So I scrapped that idea or rather, ate the flan. Then I tried to teleport a flan to India. Only so many hungry mouths were there that the particles were eaten before it re
12Whoa. Slow down, wouldja? I can't understand a thing you are saying. Why are you always talk so fast? Why are you always russian?
11with sequins. Glitter bomb the Chopper and his stupid rambo-esque name! Rambo. Now there was a man who could appreciate the finer things the jungle has to offer. Like glitter.
10disappearance of Clamydia, the winsome mermaid of the Yellow Sea. Det. Manatee began by interviewing VInce, the last viper fish who had seen her. "I saw her with the sea cucumbers,