FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
15Madame Wong's Japanese restaurant, 'Bansai!!' only served miso soup. Opening packets of miso and adding hot water was it, regarding her culinary skills. Beijingers loved its minima
11stop at 10. But I've got a few years to plan. Maybe wife #11 will be a really cool robot. But wife #12 should be from the temple again to keep them happy. To fulfill the prophecy
11Maybe my nightmares could became bestselling fiction. Doc had read all the Twilight books and realised if that trash can be so successful, why not try it himself? We thought up a
12ate cards that Darth had saved up from upgrading the Emperor's IT system were all used up and the Empire's credit rating plummeted to one star. Darth took off his helmet and said
12feet that were stained on the bottom with the toil of her grape stomping ancestors. Their laughter made them feel young and Shall kissed him on the ear and whispered that