FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11$10.56. What can I say? I'm good at negotiating. I'd practically memorized "The Art of the Deal". I was admiring myself in the rear-view mirror when I smelled the backseat.
10I didn't hear her answer. I had touched her bare shoulder! 3 times! Tap tap tap. My fingertip tingled. Debbie was saying something about dancing but it didn't register. I reached
10is not tolerated in this folding story. Anyway, Dr. Pheelguddenheistmeistersteinenburger's German Shepherd Adalwolfa Brunhilda (formally a police dog) started barking at Von W. III
11"That I'm rich! Uh, I mean... nothing." Doc recorded me repeating all my dreams, and excused himself. I overheard him call a smut publishing firm. Big sums were bandied about. Hey!
12hunch that his hunchback was going to need more than a spoonful of sugar to choke down, but Manatee ate all of Uncle Hugo's hunch and the pudding as well, and then waited for natur