FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10, for example, that I thought a lot about the teachings of Confucious. I didn't even know that this was what lima beans think about until I started thinking like a lima bean. I als
10I could count on my wife for understanding. At the meet with P. my cell rang. It was her:"So, Baby, a mermaid?" The tinkle of smashing glass. The sound of my pet's labored breaths.
10about three seconds before it happened, which somehow was enough time for the past year and a half to play back in my mind, emphasizing every mistake I made, before I began flying
10the same rave, who were as much into each other as they were into Spencer. With Paradise within reach, Spencer had to decide whether to sacrifice it for the sake of his lofty motto
10"Does the Beast often get pizza delivered?" The demon pulled a dove from a toaster, then folded the dove into a handkerchief into which he sneezed. "He's more into Chinese