FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10It was like some sort of sadistic ritual to bring the dead fishies back to life! Elliott grew pale. What kind of sick person would do such a thing? That poor librarian, Mrs. Fitz,
11"I am a luxury hobo. Observe." The bearded man on the beach stuck out his thumb and a cruise liner picked him up. "I've been poor in 35 countries and hundreds of resorts. Follow me
11be a prickly problem. He landed in a Saguaro cactus deflating his hammer pants and his Zelda fantasy. The pain was all too real and his Wii controller useless.
10That was it. I could see by the teacher's face it was over. "Well, see you around," I said sadly. "There you go again," she chided. I set my sights on the volleyball coach instead.
10Barack Obama and Bill Clinton, naked, on the bed, on their stomachs, eating popcorn and watching reruns of The Jeffersons on a 65 inch flat screen.