FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11His boss played the fiddle and told a good riddle, and to Tong this one seemed new. For the answer he whittled, long hours he piddled, clutching his Coach bag and shoes.
11The amazing foodini 3D food printer. Prints pizzas, pasta, burgers, sushi, pastries, bear bile, . With this special attachment severed limbs can be printed and restored. 3 installm
10-swung his axe and took Officer McMahan's left leg off. The Wyrd slapped his hands together and the leg spawned more legs. They slithered toward Ned. Everytime he swung the axe
13which were the most magical paintings she had ever seen. They were as surreal as the Sea Monkey's beautiful kingdom. The Sea Monkey's then dressed her in a skin tight
12Fantastic, Familial, Forensic. G is for Glabrous, Gelatinous, Gershwinesque. H is for