FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
13Rattus cracked open a keg and passed cup to Rattus. Rattus shouted "Hey Rattus, Rattus, and Rattus! Come get some brew!" Rattus and Rattus ran over but Rattus turned them away beca
10in perfect unison. Then a sausage guru stepped forward and said "Oh holy fa! We have all wondered for years, what does fa actually mean?" The fa simply replied "It's an acronym for
10atee, and were thus quite stunned when a walking manatee, outfitted with a fedora, eyepiece, magnifying glass, and mask approached them. The Masked Manatee grilled the students
12. The writers just sat there in silence. Fred timidly spoke up. "OK, how 'bout this? We'll call it 'Sweep Dreams'. A game show. The street sweeper will pick up bums & prostitutes.