FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10I'm ungrateful." Scrooge leaned in close. "You know, my relatives stuff birds like you." The Turkey Carcass of Thanksgiving Past trembled, dripping juices. "Those BASTARDS! Let's
14hand over her other hand over his hand over her hand over his heart. She put her other OTHER hand over... "Jesus Christ," he said, staring blankly, "how many hands do you HAVE?"
10It was marked "touriste américain". A trap door dropped out below his seat & he was sent through a system of chutes to the place all misbehaving American tourists in Paris end up
12throwing his life away on the Rodeo jus' like that, but he never was any good for team chemistry, and just like he didn't listen to them bulls, he didn't listen to us.
10sharpening my butter knife. They'll pay. They'll all pay! As soon as my dog walker walked into my apartment condo, I lunged at him like an Olympic fencer. He somehow parried it