FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11like a red hot tamali. I remove the champagne bottles from the top of a pail & sit down. Ahhh! Dr. Derriere looks alarmed. Too late, I find they kept live lobsters in the ice, too.
10"Frank Junior, long time no see!" Beth gushed. Frank tried to cover up one neck bolt with a hand but it wasn't very subtle. Beth just kept rambling on as Frank spilled the punch.
11ing Past here to teach you how to be grateful before it's too late" said the turkey carcass.Scrooge scoffed, "If you were at Thanksgiving dinner with *my* relatives, you'd know why
10Confused, holding a bone saw, he looked down at Vince on the operating table. "Where?" The nurse shook him and pointed, "On the dotted line! Hurry!"
10Xklk, the Romulan cheif editor of "Romulan Bites" gourmet magazine. So the Romulans decided to evaporate every Starbucks on Earth and in the heavens and insist on Romulan coffee.