FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10certain David Blaine encased his head in a block of ice for a week. Rattaiah, cursed, "That was my idea!" So began the start of the deuling fakirs. Rope tricks not withstanding, he
10spaper clippings were on the coffee table. Elliott thought this was the craziest crime scene ever. The dead gold fish were hung w/satin ribbons like mobiles all over the library.
10automatic butt wiper, which will be like a wind-sheild wiper, only for butts. I know this sounds crude, and I'm sorry. But it would be oh so convenient for those busy commutes.
10The incarnadine wraiths flashed through the twirling swamp-forest, sobbing as they swept up lost children to be brought home as white-eyed slaves of enfeebled, drifting appetites.
10some verbiage seems to be missing. But, hey, who needs context after all? Not this fold. And so the story continues on right were it was left off. The part where