FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
13Me in there ! The rats told me, "Join the club!" and stared at me, until I too became Rattus Norvegicus. Now we went as a group and the party really started at 2 that morning.
12& missed, as usual. "Poor thing," she murmured, sprinkling him with hot sauce for that extra zing. After Salazar finally fell into silent delirium, she let the dogs in to lick his
10had been coming out green as of late, but that was ok since st. patricks day was fast approaching. placing the lute on a nail by the staircase, she drags the bodies by their legs
13no no no no no" "Oh semolina semolina" "semolina pizza dough. Spin 'round the dough, make it into pizza pie for me, for me, for me" "So you think you can bake me and make me a pie?
11made for TV movie. Please welcome the unexceptional Ronna DeMill." "Hi, Dick." "Tell us about your movie, Ronna." "It's called 'Fare to Middling,' about dumpy woman on a dreary bus