FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
13In the future, I envision a world where you can control the temperature, where there's nearly unlimited food options, where you can pay for amazing entertainment, sex, drugs, what
10is a prescription for dirty silverware. I advise TarnX! You can remove stains even from deep crevices!" He whipped out a bottle & sprayed it on the 43 forks sticking in my derrière
13A man will only marry out of love or necessity. Anything love demands is a necessity. These were my thoughts as I drove through the morning fog into Vicksburg. Love or necessity.
12angry meme-loving elitist nerds and their generic FPS games. But alas, the war for truth is an uphill battle, and sympathy is a commodity long lost. "More like SPUD missiles!"
11sweet nothings to him, reminding him of those warm, balmy evenings in Vietnam where he would operate on small animals. He was unusual in that he was an actual vet, not military.