FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
13Don't add to this folding story!
11i will have to find wife #13, a demonic behemoth who will ultimately bring an end to the cycle by consuming the blood in my body up tothe last drip.Only then will my wifes be free.
10y Space Patrol uniform, and this lamp. And this ashtray. That's it. Nothing else do I need but this astral grappling hook, a Shiny Patrol uniform, this lamp, and this ashtray. And
13I knew this might be my only chance to be truly self-serving. I prepared a nice salad as my clone thawed in the starship's galley. Never much of a cannibal, but I did wonder
11was his chance. He hooked up to the 3-D printer and cycled through the menu. He chose to print himself out of Play Doh with the 0.8mm extruder, high quality/ low speed, high resolu