FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10- you guessed it - more bacon! Guaranteed to improve any situation. Pile it high, slather that with some maple syrup, and gulp down several mugs of Porky's Piggy Pilsner.
35If ever there was a time to use his cell phone, this was it. But he had left his charger at home and the phone was dead. He squinted down the road and could just make out
10I triple dog dare you! The last time I heard those words were last week, when Luther dared me to eat that whole container of low-fat buttery spread. At first, it was
24I had the plane on autopilot. These 747's practically land themselves. Damned navigator tricked me into getting high again. Well this is the last time. Hey was that a
10This is your brain on foldingstory.