FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10Victor was afraid of the beautician. He had heard that pink shirted metrosexuals with pointy white shoes visited the beautician and did not want to become
10certain David Blaine encased his head in a block of ice for a week. Rattaiah, cursed, "That was my idea!" So began the start of the deuling fakirs. Rope tricks not withstanding, he
13"I don't care who started it, I'm finishing it!" C'thulu proclaimed. And the eldrich abominations just ran away.
12knew the truth. Edward Cullen was shell of vampire. His sparkly skin and day time frolics only signaled his total lack of commitment to true vampirism.
13Luca stumbled towards the tracks, reaching for the gold rose. The train was hurtling towards him and he was unsure whether he would reach the rose in time to save it. Just as he