FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11smells in the fruit basket. And do you really wanna be stuck in that fruit basket? I don't think you do, the speaker shouted. I had to get out of this class. I interrupted by
11Without thinking it through, he pulled apart the nearest doll, and gave the Play Doh Clone Golem the chest of Skeletor. An evil grin appeared on the creation's face. It said
11His boss played the fiddle and told a good riddle, and to Tong this one seemed new. For the answer he whittled, long hours he piddled, clutching his Coach bag and shoes.
22-oline salesman who slept with that no good cheating tramp wife of mine gets my anthrax collection in the mail. 25. Catch 'em all! 25a. Capture a Gideon 26. Reread LOTR 27. Make a
10were going to defend the black crude that had come up bubbling on their property. I whipped one of the hillbillies in the head with the handle of the pitchfork sticking in my chest