FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11Hey diddle diddle. He's cracked in the middle.Tong Gao is stumped ornery and blue.
11went off with out a hitch until his neck bolts started poking out of his turtle neck sweater. He tried to hide by the punchbowl but Beth spotted him. "Hey Frank! Long time!" "Urgh"
10the mayer's favorite chihuahua, I decided it had been enough. I took out my Taser DeLuxe A500. It was a brandnew model, issued a week ago and I hadn't had to use it yet. I aimed
10chest (which seemed suspiciously gooshy, but it turned out he had spilled some mustard on it at lunch). But neither Jimbeau or Flopp would admit to knowing what a Cleveland Steamer
10All three of us crowded around the Ouija Board. The second, excited, asked "Hey, does using this make us necromancers?" "Nay, 'tis but marked plastic." Noted the fourth.