FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
12She leant her forehead against his shoulder then wiped her tear stained face across his shirt. "I don't want this divorce." "We can't have everything we want, we both know that."
10d jowls & pockets of stubborn cellulite on his thighs. It was so embarrassing! Rambo wiped the butter from his mouth & called Richard Simmons to whip his ass back into shape.
11manchus blowing in the breeze. Steve envied Sharon's red-golden fu, the way the light caught it and seemed to dance within it. His own dark black fu was now shot with grey, and
11a hidden spring launched the bowl of noodles at her face! The noodles were coated with super glue and they stuck to her face! She made matters worse by swinging about wildly and
10His squamous skin was due to inbreeding. He'd point at me yelling "qu'est que c'est que ça?" He shot himself when figuratively became an accepted meaning of literally. But Grandpa