FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10"Tell me," one cried, "can you play the old dusty accordion?" No Rupert said, as he always said. "No, it's not mine. I carry it for old times. And still I must speak in rhymes." A
13"Think you'll like it out here, kid?" Lucca hollered up to me from the lower deck. I threw the rose to him. He caught it, laughed and tossed it to the rain where it landed in a rai
116. A discreet cummerbund for magical appliances, which would not look out of place with my workaday khakis and golf shirt.
13Do you think quiche & pastries can be made unleavened with rye? Oh, baby, can't do this to me, baby! Just gave me a bad case of gout, and it hurts right about here! Nothing really
11He had flashbacks to his war years, helping a kitty with mange, a dog with heartworm. While the other vets were going through Agent Orange, he was back at the Pet MASH.