FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11Scene 4: Exterior Diner. Man with slight limp walks from stage left to right. Vagabond enters holding small rucksack. VAGABOND: Wait! Can you spare a dime? MAN:
11a Komodo dragon made an appearance on the beach. Not a week later, a group of Dugong youth on their way to school went missing from that very same spot. JMan called on the wise Det
10really boring. It involved card stock. Embossings. Maybe a little gold leaf to really whip up the zanies. The collection could put a meth head to sleep, that's how boring it was.
12aren't even worth mentioning. Dr. Moodle's Past Grabber only grabbed the most banal boring moments in history. So, for instance, instead of the Battle of the Bulge, it grabbed
14And with that snappy retort, I spun on my heel to make a dramatic exit...except that I tripped on the rug, stumbled headlong into the waiter, upsetting his tray of martinis & then