FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
12Every year on Halloween Eve you can hear the hobgoblins haunting the butcher section of most grocery stores. "Give us back our bellies," they moan. It's not a good day to buy meat.
15anthrax. 22) Punch someone. 23) Set fire to my neighbour's car. 24) Run naked down the Unter den Linden shouting: I'm a banana. 25) Tickle Robert Mugabe 26) Put an squid on my head
10I didn't hear her answer. I had touched her bare shoulder! 3 times! Tap tap tap. My fingertip tingled. Debbie was saying something about dancing but it didn't register. I reached
10n. Homo-sapien." The other cavemen laughed & pointed. "HOMO sapien!" they taunted. Zood's rainbow colored spear was a dead giveaway. "Neanderthals! All of them!" Zood decided. Evol
11And clown-shoes were, by their very nature, too big for anyone to fill, especially him. There had to be some exploding rubber key that could unlock his comic genius, some ritual