FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10the rather predictable plot twist & its cousin, the word interrupted fold which take advantage of a dangling word fragment to generate a 'surprise', then there's the sex change fol
10Lord, who was testing our faith/fucking with us. "Do you believe in dinosaurs?" was heaven's entrance exam; the correct answer was "no." One guy who learned this the hard way was
11"I was 25 years old when I died for the first time" - he thought, looking through the glass. "And yet, I remember every detail - as it was yesterday". The red wine really got him
11my existence at all. Maybe all of this was real life and my boring drone of a life was just a series of consecutive fantasies. So I took another, and another, and another...
11with knives, -Join the Navy, -Instigate jihad, -Remember the Alamo, -Forget your past, -Call your monkey, -Live for yesterday, -Give bad advice, -Buy organic, -Make a list, -Smell