FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10. He packed up his clown trunk and moved away from the circus. He would have to find other uses for his CNN voice talent and his Quasimodo back. Fortunately, a part just opened in
10It wasn't until midway through the job that I realized I had no idea how to disable a camera. The bundle of C-4 in Ronna's perm was ready to go, but I was busy frantically
11"I could understand a shark chewing through an internet cable," she said quietly, "BUT YOU DRAGGED ME TO A HUT IN THE AMAZON!" She wept tears of deep pain. "But honey, the internet
13by a veritable storm of neuronal activity. Peter's ennui floated somewhere above his frontal parietal lobe. Peter was having an epileptic seizure.. Fold and Pass flashed rapidly as
11pomegranate. When I opened the door there was what appeared to be a small ruby in the bottom of the immaculate self-cleaning oven. "Holy shnikies!" I exclaimed. My uncle was a jewe