FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
13you clairvoyance to find the rebel's hidden Subway factory". Admiral Panini choked on a large chunk of Ciabatta. "I find your lack of faith disurbing" said Lord Sandwich
13reconnoiter the rocky dry masses above the surface. At first my stubby fins and rudimentary lungs made progress difficult but soon my fins developed articulation and became legs.
13Flopp writes this to commend Firebolt391d for just being such a rad person and an all round amazing human. And that goes for the next folder too, after all, this is
11It would have been a day like any other day had it not been for the bin lorry crash. Six died in the carnage including a mother and father and their young daughter. Jim thought
10The most effect drug for curing Alien Hand Syndrome is Graoladge. Side effects include drooling, talking incoherently, morphing into a full alien, and occasionally certain death.