FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
14It's a terrible procedure. Full of screaming ravens and living flames. Excruciating, agonizing, burning, consuming, grueling, harrowing, getting sk0njed is worse! It's like
11Silence. Jim started shuffling offstage. Then: "Guffaw" from the back corner. Jim's head whipped around & he peered into the darkness. "Two nuns walked into a bar...and...and...
13It began to thunder and Eeyore began to worry. But he couldn't be bothered to move from where he stood by his thistle patch. He was, unsurprisingly, struck by lightning, which caus
11"What's that got to do with anything?" I wailed. I shook my head in resignation, shuffling slowly down Nowhere Lane, dragging my feet due to the enormous weight of the golden boots
11more willing to just go with the flow of the evening's developments so I let them finish up. By night's end my bumpers were sore, my flippers needed oil and one of my pinballs had