FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10Solution? Make Porky Pig sausages. He'll have a harder time glaring at you when he's reduced to several juicy rashers of bacon. The only thing that makes it better is
10been fine if I hadn't recognized the lead head-banger: my AUNT VALETTA! I always knew she could sing, but I didn't know she could scream! Black leather does not become her.
20would laundry - do a tenth of the work, then pass it to someone else. 11. FoldingStory is for starving artists, and 9-to-5ers who fantasize about being starving artists, only. 12.
15stupid gets. Now answer me, do you like rhinos?" Jenny implored again. I nodded uncertainly. "Good." and she unzipped herself and stepped out as a rhino. "This is who I am!"
10George didn't bring the Christmas Goose to dinner again. Last year, everyone got sick from eating it. This year, George had a Christmas Horse. Aunt Phoebe was flabbergasted. She