FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
19he told me I could use it to purify drinking water. And cook pizza. And make shrinky-dink keychains! I wasn't sure if that made it worth $500, but I still needed a pregnancy test,
12carried me to bed in his powerful flippers, then tucked me in. I found this infuriating yet comforting. "Tonight's story will have to be short. Once upon a time (read Det. Manatee)
15ee yonder over at that thar RV parked next to it. That's ware he be." The rusty door of the RV opened & the Wizard stepped out, carrying a shotgun. "What yuns want?" Dorothy
12good dared walk the streets when the sun was out. Night time it was even more deserted. The Supreme Court building became the last redoubt still claiming to be the United States of
10They get me, they really do. And the morgue is so serene. I like to lie down on an embalming table and just soak in the cool silence. It is a good place for a nap. The metal is so