FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10E.g.: "Ladies & gentlemen, your captain here." <yawn> "To your right you can just make out the Sierras." <huge yawn> "We'll be arriving in L.A. at ZZzzzz.." I've also dozed off dur
12How to Erotically Caress a Nose. 1) Breathe. Breathing's important. 2) To avoid startling the subject, approach from sideways on. 3) Position the nose at a 50 degree angle. 4) Shak
10ubiquity and volatility of thoughts. Nobody believed it at first, how could our minds be just hotels where our thoughts, actually ethereal alien beings,just take a rest and travel
11Gene Rayburn read the card with his perfect diction, "The skydiver was in a panic. When he pulled his ripcord, instead of a parachute, out came a BLANK"
16hollered, "I wanna go home!" The Wizard paid her no mind. The Tin Man pointed over yonder and said, "That there scarecrow's got rocks in his head but we like him anyhow."