FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10unknown at first, but soon we saw they carried sabres and red flags emblazoned with a skull surrounded by green concentric circles. Whoever they were, they weren't pseudofishermen.
12I told her to fork off. She's potty. Casoletta on the other hand is a different kettle of fish. She's a dish I'd bake cookies with. I haven't found the recipe to garnish her danish
12aren't even worth mentioning. Dr. Moodle's Past Grabber only grabbed the most banal boring moments in history. So, for instance, instead of the Battle of the Bulge, it grabbed
11see how they like meeting up with one of my cousins, Mighty Cthurkey!" The Turkey Carcass of Thanksgiving Past held Scrooge's head and forced him to watch as Cthurkey's tentacles
12BlastedHeath began to write nearly identical folds day after day. The FS medics sprang into action. They strapped him down on a large table just before he started to froth and conv