FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
16attempts to seduce him. Discouraged, she went back to friend Flat Stanley and complained about how she didn't feel she fit into this world where everybody was flat except for her.
13He had successfully digested another clue! Det. Manatee now knew the identity of the killer. It was none other than Horace the Beaver, who
10The most effect drug for curing Alien Hand Syndrome is Graoladge. Side effects include drooling, talking incoherently, morphing into a full alien, and occasionally certain death.
11A Poem About My Mother - Humble,sweet,but often dreary/My mother is a soulless fairy/Beneath her lips,color of cherry/Three blackened teeth,a tongue so hairy/
14use he was so sick from the pills he had found in the dumpster the night before. "You're a party pooper, Rattus," the other two Rattuses sneered as they swilled the poisoned brew.