FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
13Satan Claus soon would be there. The orphans were huddled for warmth in their beds, while visions of maniacs danced in their heads. And Mummy in her tatters, and I in my hood, had
14And with that snappy retort, I spun on my heel to make a dramatic exit...except that I tripped on the rug, stumbled headlong into the waiter, upsetting his tray of martinis & then
13like a bat, and splatted against the wall like a gnat. The people upstairs were trying the door. I gathered myself on the stairs for their horror. The stairwell's dim bulb did sput
22-oline salesman who slept with that no good cheating tramp wife of mine gets my anthrax collection in the mail. 25. Catch 'em all! 25a. Capture a Gideon 26. Reread LOTR 27. Make a
10wishing there was some water with all this sand. (I miss surfing.) Some dude called me Muad'Dib or something. Man its hot, diary. Giant worms approaching. This bites. Gotta go.