FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11through my nightguard & pulled the sheets up over my SpongeBob jammy top. "I was just ch- ch- checking up on some of my active stories, you know, to..." But I faltered when Manatee
11look a gift tree in the knothole and said "Very well. I will spare thee. I wish for three acorns that will grow into a tree the instant I throw them on the ground." No sooner said
10"And," he added morosely, "there is no known cure. You only have three days to live." The doctor then stood up & left us abruptly. "Well, I guess we better hurry then," I joked.
10"Well, I'm glad that's settled. Cup of tea?" Before she could respond, he thumped her over the head with his Bible. She came to in the Pentagram Chamber, hearing his wicked
10I watched as the bus drove away, not quite understanding why I didn't feel any pain. The wind blew a balloon from a child's hand as it passed, and a dog ran into the street