FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10No problem, totally got your back. All you do is, ... are you getting this? Write this down. "Homelessness in America: Not That Bad? It's been 13 years since Walter Kringle had wor
10"This is exactly what I wanted! Thanks Santa!" I put on the luxuriously soft underpants, sighing contentedly. Maybe this Christmas wouldn't suck after all.
12I snatched the kryptonite from the quickly receding tide and pocketed it, vowing to resolve this matter with the CEO of Ikea: my own twin brother.
10“Why, you stuck up, half-witted, scruffy-looking Nerf herder!” The teach heard the insult, the young girl was a creative insulter. The boy in the vest did play with Nerf items so
10automatic butt wiper, which will be like a wind-sheild wiper, only for butts. I know this sounds crude, and I'm sorry. But it would be oh so convenient for those busy commutes.