FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10For one thing, his comments on FS were always critical of others' grammatical errors.
1115:22, Dr. Moodle finished demonstrating his Past Grabber, able to selectively project the most critical events of yore. E.g.: Titanic Captain's burp after his last meal, Kennedy's
11must have seen my cry for help. Just one? I close my eyes and lean back against the cool glass, contemplating the ultimate futility of life, love, and social media.
12r. All the foldy people where do their folds come from? All the foldy people where do they all belong? Fr. Mackenzie writing the words to a fold earning only 1 point-so he smokes a
10on the wheel out of this world. The mayor's groin unfurled and bloomed into a beautiful flower, a pre-cursor to reincarnation. If you take requests, I'd like to be a cat, Buddah.