FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11wondered about how much wonder bread his Fat Uncle Andy mopped up instant gravy with. Frankie was food tripping because the ants were taking his picnic.
12But unfortunately for Emperor Palpatine, George Lucas was directing the film. For this reason the Emperor's call for unlimited power, was severely limited. He had to settle for a l
10were more concerned about fining her for the undeclared apple she had in her carry-on. She could hear in the distance the orphans crying that they were being kidnapped, but nobody
123. Neosporin for my paper cuts from licking all the mint flavor off the stamp.
11Give a hand to our researcher, Bob Simons, author of the Bestselling book: "Worlds Beyond Our Own FoldingStory" and "Why Our Lives are Weird and Disconnected, and other Answers"