FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10At first, seeing spots & lights dancing before her eyes, Wendy thought another migraine was coming on. Then a flutter of tiny wings & a sharp stab in her forehead. Tinkerbell struc
10Foxi Red LaRue was a tough vixen. She kept her den clean but things ended up getting done when getting them done meant that Foxi got done. She liked getting got. She like it a lot.
10. Despite the conflict of interest, Pink Floyd would proceed to review and give advice on Hemp Panties. The SEC started an investigation into potential insider trading by Pink Floy
11and into the eye socket of a Vietnam Vet who'd lost his eye in battle. The vet had removed his patch right as the button flew in. The button had been made in Vietnam. It whispered
15had to lick away the dirt and grime off of himself as if he were a feline. It was the only way to cheat the bathing prohibition. It was disgusting but there was no other option.