FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10! There's something really weird growing in the shower and a faun in the mirror said 'beware the white witch,'" said the guest. The hotel manager quickly called the cleaning staff
10looking at the ceiling. Are you rolling your eyes at us? Not much of a team player, are you." Any response I could think of would get me fired anyway, so I quit that damn job.
10blow out the candles!" The judge gaped in awe at the surprise birthday party thrown in his honor at the height of a murder trial. "For he's a judgy good fel-low..." sang the jury.
10showers. I never should have joined the Herbert West High soccer team. I'd heard that bullying was rampant among the undead, but I hadn't been prepared for their unyielding cruelty
10huge, heavily armored dragon wagon. He waved his gnarly wand and the thing whooshed by them. Arthur put the pedal to the metal, much to Mother's chagrin. "Arthur, slow down!"