FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11I took a hearty swig of courage, belched softly, and headed on deck. "Avast ye landlubbers! Make haste to the Cape of No Hope!" They grumbled & complied. I glanced down at the map
12n assignment that would take her on an overseas jaunt leading to the peripheries of other continents, not so much deeply into their interiors but more than just a few miles in?
10"Well, that's why they're called WERE wolves, because they were wolves. Now they are just a bunch of fur-wearing pansies." And with that, Jimmy took his angora coat and walked away
13FoldingStory Founder, Noah. "It was so worth it to mortgage my home to pay FS hosting charges because you all have made this the most entertaining, creative site on the internet!"
10building and drifted our way. Cool as a cucumber Ronna looked me straight in the eyes and said: "Actually, I think I can get away with it."