FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11there was a beautiful little girl named Pokarina and her favorite thing to do was skip stones on the chocolate milk lake by her candy cottage..." Despite myself I snuggled down
10the wrong spot. His hand caught fire, he screamed for help. Barton became a labradoodle so the firemen said, "You need to leave." The rifle became a monarch butterfly, wherefore
1615. The same goes for grammar, unless you're the grammar police. 16. Forget sixteen. 17. Tie up the story at the end and make it a clean cut. Don't leave the next folder hanging
14use he was so sick from the pills he had found in the dumpster the night before. "You're a party pooper, Rattus," the other two Rattuses sneered as they swilled the poisoned brew.
10one small lizard boy remained: Leif. Fun fact: few lizardfolk like accordion music but Lief was not like most iguanaboys. Leif made Rupert play 6 encores. Afterwards, Leif clawed