FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
13The city was rampant with ghosts and the homeless. Both lost souls, searching for something out of their grasp. Maybe that explained why they paid Jenny as a street performer.
10huge, heavily armored dragon wagon. He waved his gnarly wand and the thing whooshed by them. Arthur put the pedal to the metal, much to Mother's chagrin. "Arthur, slow down!"
11I bet you're the type of person who skips to the end of a book to see how things turn out.
10air and felt the streams of the current rippling against my body. I swam in the air, back stroking, spiralling up a thermal until I could see him far below me looking up at me, a
10for peddling in a school zone, which would triple the penalty. "Now my dear, Han," she announced diabolically, "you are all mine." Suddenly, a large, furry arm appeared from above