FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10Too much thinking." Winston hastily poured water from a house plant down Doris ear canal. "Mjsjhfu! Mjs... Marsupials! What's up with that?" Hardly a puff of smoke from Doris now.
10huge, heavily armored dragon wagon. He waved his gnarly wand and the thing whooshed by them. Arthur put the pedal to the metal, much to Mother's chagrin. "Arthur, slow down!"
12ract bad guys, you get into unhealthy relationships. When you get into unhealthy relationships, you overeat to compensate. When you overeat to compensate, you lose self-confidenc
10Mr. Snake, Judge Monkey ruled in favor of himself and fined them all 100 bananas. It was great to be the judge.
11"...and then I was traded for a million dollars," Giant Old Squid Man finished. "The rest is history." The Squid grandchildren sat at his feet, enraptured. "Tell us about the time