FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10It was empty. Until a newspaper swept across it. It was lonely, itself with its bad news curling over the wind. Then a dog with ribs showing crossed. Down the street, baby, down
10the beaver of hyper-criticism. Snow White had wandered into the wrong forest. The goat of existential angst started chewing on the leaves of self-defeat. The narcissistic magpie
10-arium. The stink. The humidity of full-commando underwearless naturalism trapped by the rough fibers of hemp. The Pink Floyd Laser show made me see how gross humanity really
12I snatched the kryptonite from the quickly receding tide and pocketed it, vowing to resolve this matter with the CEO of Ikea: my own twin brother.
10and yelled "Roll!" I rolled toward her, smothering my flames, before I noticed the platter of fresh rolls in her hands. "You saved my life, Mrs. McGurk," I said, taking a roll.